Our Greene Street Main Branch in Downtown Greensboro is getting a facelift! We are seeking Requests for Proposal for a mural on one of the outside walls that celebrates the credit union movement, financial literacy for all, and the city of Greensboro.
Click here to view our Request for Proposal and Instructions.
Our timeline is as follows:
Project Timeline (subject to change)
- August 16, 2024: Announcement and distribution of RFP
- September 30, 2024: Deadline for receipt of proposals
- October 15, 2024: All submissions reviewed and semifinalists selected
- October 21, 2024: Interviews with semifinalists
- November 4, 2024: Artist selected and contract completed
- January 30, 2025: Art design finalized and approved
- February/March 2025: Work begins
- Spring 2025: Work finalized
For more information, questions, or to submit a proposal, please email Heather Lyons at hlyons@revityfcu.org.